Tuesday, March 18, 2014

It's alive.....It's alive!

I've been making lots of sawdust over at Greg's garage and thinking big thoughts....let's see what's taken place over the last few weeks!  First, thanks are in order to Podiatrist Dr. Rigby and Physical Therapists Nathan, Russell, and Brian for the top notch care they've given me and my foot.  I'm making good progress and it's making walking and moving about in general much better.  I just hope the bill doesn't send me into cardiac arrest!

Little twinkle toes!

In order to strengthen the connecting joint between the floor and the walls, I cut and attached a cleat along the sides of the floor.  It will be hidden after the cabinetry, dinette and gaucho are permanently in place.  I also marked where the grille in the entry floor will be located.  This will be cut in at some future point - I'm still uncertain if I want to do this.  Cutting a hole in the floor is not something I would do without a lot of contemplation!

It might look quite handsome....
....but I'm still considering it.  Maybe.  Perhaps.  What do you think?

Ok, now down to the nitty gritty.  The same day two weeks ago that I attached the cleats and measured for the grille placement, I measured for the galley and nightstand cabinets.....and I measured......and I measured some more.  Even then when the time came to cut the material at Greg's place, I was still concerned but it was time to get to work.

Lots of cutting (old curbside seat riser in the foreground w/ rusty nails!)....
....lots and lots of cutting!
After so much cutting, lunch is in order!

OK, now to see if and how all these pieces fit together...

So far, so good
I'm feeling pretty good about this!
The galley about to be fitted into place

Well, time to bring the goods home for final fitting and placement...

Ok, it all seems to be right....how did I do that?
Yet there was one error but if I don't mention it, it won't be seen!

I was running out of daylight fast even with the extra hour of light we now have.  I'm now driven - I must get the seat profiles cut!  I was able to salvage them when the trailer was deconstructed a year ago and now it's time for them to come into play!

A familiar profile to Scotty enthusiasts!
Cabinets located and the curbside dinette seat riser in place

Of course, there are still the openings for the drawers in the galley and book shelf spaces in the nightstand that will need to be cut in along with the necessary support pieces.  That will come over the next few weeks.  I suppose my next major step will be selecting and installing flooring material.  One of my friends suggested ceramic tile......I think I'll go with something a little more apropos for camping.  Those silly friends!

I detect camping season is not far off...

Late breaking update:  I had to make a trip downstate and while passing through Salt Lake City, I picked up the material for the walls - 5' x 5' white birch plywood panels.  The cabinets are at the mid-point of each panel which will assist in the joining of each half of each wall.  I know the Scotties interiors were painted turquoise with black and white flecks but I think the golden glow of that era is so much more inviting.  Now I'm REALLY motivated to get that flooring done and soon so I can start on the walls!!!

I can see the golden glow already!!

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