Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Frame work......and some questions!

My apologies in advance to the unknown photographers and thanks for their good ideas.

I worked amid a shower of sparks last night removing various pieces of angle from the tongue that has been for securing the propane tank and the regulator.  The tank was long gone when I first looked at the trailer last fall and the regulator was full of water when I disassembled things last week.  I don't have any snapshots (if I did they'd have looked pretty good with the sparks from the grinder in the twilight) but here are a couple from last fall showing how things used to be.  I will be attaching a new propane tank base ring and holder at some point in the future when it is time to do so.

It was reeeealy full of was the entire line clear back to the stove!
    The tongue jack is all that is left and it will be moving into the hole in the tongue    

Now for the questions:  should I attempt to rebuild it better than the original or create a permanent platform for a full size mattress?  The original setup was for a 48" wide folding bed which provides for more "living" room when folded in but we need more than that.  A full size mattress is 6 inches wider yet if I go with that width, then I have to lose 6 inches off the 32-inch-wide galley cabinet.  Now this is indeed doable if I were to take the cabinet down to 26 inches in width but then I have to consider my appliance needs.  Also, the nightstand (as seen to the left in the photo below) would need to be drastically narrowed as well.   

Not my trailer but it's the same model.  You get the idea.

The sink is about a foot wide and the stove is somewhere near 18 inches in width so perhaps a different stove will be necessary.  I found a SMEV combination sink and two-burner stove that would be perfect.....

....but it is not being imported into the U.S. at this time.  Panther RV Products has this neat little single burner SMEV unit that would be the right size if I decide to go with my existing sink in order to shrink the size of my cabinet and maintain the ability to at least boil water.  I do like the original two-burner stove but it may need a lot of TLC to get it suitable for use and if so, maybe the newer unit makes more dollars and cents.  Perhaps I should consider a new, small stainless steel sink to match the single burner stove?

You can see how the nightstand was narrowed in this rebuild.
Bigger bed, smaller galley when compared to....
....the gaucho in it's original configuration.

I know he can get the job but can he DO the job?

Another thing I need to think about is how much living space do I lose by making the bed a full time bed and not retractable.  I like being able to hang out inside without having to have the bed part of the seating arrangements; I'd feel better if I could use it like a gaucho for seating and then make it out into a bed come nightfall. All of a sudden, I'm reminded of my dorm room from nearly 35 years ago (see my plan above - cushions not shown)!  But now for the kicker....will we be sinking in between the cushions if we did the three-cushion gaucho?  Or is there some sort of super foam out there or a way to keep the three cushions "together" in some fashion?

So many questions, so few answers......but I think a plan is coming together.

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